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客户开发案例 客户开发案例 700 Read | 2 Reply | 2023-04-24

[ 16:20:47] Ted: ok
[16:20:52] Chris: ok
[16:21:07]Ted: can we reduce the mould cost
[16:21:15] Ted: so the price can come down a bit
[16:21:28]Ted: if your doing it at $8.0/pc
[16:21:32]Chris: It's not the "Mould cost"
[16:21:43] Chris: it's plate charge
[16:21:46] Chris: for the design
[16:21:55]Ted: I know
[6:22:01]Ted: can it be reduced
[16:22:01] chris: It's the net cost of printing indeed
[16:22:12] chris: sorry , we can not
[16:22:21] Ted: you quoted $800 for both
[16:22:28] Ted: so can we do $400
[16:22:40] Ted: u don't want us to get this business
[16:22:49] Ted: we have been talking for a while
[6:23:04] Ted: and you should be able to reduce something
[16:24:05] Chris: US$800 is the net cost indeed
[16:24:10] Chris: can you try our existing design?
[16:24:14] Chris: so there is no plate charge
[ 16:24:28] Ted: what design
[ 16:24:30] *** chris 发送 Design.JPG ***
[16:25:15] Ted: send to my mail
[16:25:25] chris cai: If you need branded, US$800 should be paid
[16:25:26] chris cai: ok
[16:25:34] chris cai: I will send to your email in 1 minute
[16:25:41] Ted: ok
[16:26:35] Chris: have sent to your email already
[16:26:39] Chris: please check your email
[16:27:55]Ted: it needs to be branded
[16:28:12] Chris: I am not clear your meaning of branded?
[16:29:26] Ted: the Whole product would be our Logo
[16:29:43]Ted: that's why im requesting you do a mock up with our logo
[16:29:46] Chris: yes, under this way, the printing cost is US$800
[16:29:50] Ted: lets see what can be done
[16:30:01] Ted: that wont require a plate charge
[16:30:17] Ted: so I can show my client what we are discussing on
[16:30:47] Chris: can you please talk with your client about the price first?
[16:30:54] Chris: US$8.0/pc is needed
[16:31:02] Ted: i have spoken to them
[16:31:11] Ted: but can we add our logo
[16:31:32] Ted: which wont require an additional cost
[16:31:34] Chris: US$800 should be paid indeed
[16:31:49] Ted: because that would help with the price
[16:31:52] Ted: chris
[16:32:02] Chris: I can understand you, but let me explain about this
[16:32:03] Ted: u really don't want us to do this
[16:32:27] Chris: The existing designs we have the designs at stock. thus no need to make plate and print
[16:32:49] Chris: if you need to do your own branded, we need to make new plate and make artwork, etc
[16:33:00] Chris: thus the cost is existing
[16:33:15] Ted: this is really difficult
[16:33:26] Ted: but too expensive
[16:33:33] Chris: I am not hoping to see this situation.
[16:33:43] Chris: but I can do nothing indeed
[ 16:33:44] Ted: i have been talking to you for a while
[ 16:33:49] Ted: yossent us samples
[ 16:34:04] Ted: so you should understand this
[16:34:16] Ted: really
[16:34:26] Ted: your charges are too high
[16:35:33] Chris: if the price is below our production cost, it's unfair to our workers.
[ 16:35:57] Ted: im not arguing that
[ 16:36:05] Ted: but if that cost cant be reduce
[ 16:36:17] Ted: so lets see if the plate charge can be reduced
[ 16:36:28] Ted: which would help with the price
[16:36:47]Ted: per unit
[ 16:36:55] Ted: please understand this
[ 16:37:01] Ted: its taking too long
[ 16:37:36] Chris: can you please ask your client to rise up the quantity?(在价格的问题上僵持不下的时候,我采取了主动提出数量的解决方式,因为在价格上做无谓的让步没有任何意义)
[16:37:59] Ted: to what?
[16:38:04] Chris: 10000pcs
[16:38:30] Chris: for this quantity, we might be able to offer you a good price on plate charge
[16:39:11] Ted: we only increase to 2,880
[16:39:13] Ted: for now


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发表于 2023-4-24 23:29:48 | 显示全部楼层

[ 16:39:43] Chris: for this quantity, the plate charge should be US$800.(由于这个数量和我们之前谈论的数量区别不大,所以斩钉截铁的告诉客户这个版费800美金少不了,没有任何的商量余地)
[16:41:01] Ted: what if its 3,360(客户开始跟着我的思路走了,围绕数量展开了,虽然和我预期的差距很大,但是我已经开始主导这场谈判了)
[ 16:41:08] Ted: can we work with this
[16:41:18] Ted: and reduce the plate charge?
[16:41:24] chris cai: 10000pcs could be?
[16:42:24] Ted: chris do you really want to do this for us?(客户的意思是:这个单子你到底想不想做了?)
[ 16:42:34] Chris: I really want(当然想做)
[ 16:42:43] Ted: no you dont(“”不,你根本就不想做“,我突然想起来哪部电影里的台词)
[16:43:32] Ted: besides the actual Logo is 1 colour
[16:43:36] Ted: which is white
[16:43:48]Chris: and the background color should be counted too
[16:43:56]Ted: but you need to make the body red so the Logo can come out
[16:44:07] Ted: we want all the product red
[16:44:21] Chris: yes, thus the red color is needed
[ 16:44:28] Chris: no, only the handle area can be red
[16:44:41] Ted: please what can be done?
[16:44:52] Ted: its taking too long
[16:44:58] Ted: nothing right?
[16:45:21] Chris: US$8/pc in opp bag package and US$800 for the plate charge totally.(再一次告诉这个是最低价,而且版费少不了)
[16:45:34] Chris: I really want to help you for this order(再次重申,我确实是想做的)
[16:46:03] Ted: no, thanks(通过数量的沟通无法达成一致以后,客户拒绝了,用no, thanks)
[ 16:46:57] chris cai: what's your quantity?(我心里完全明白客户是在试探我的底线和心理,但是因为他是老手,所以可能存在1%的意外,我又主动的做出了让步)
[16:47:37] Ted: 3,360 pcs
[16:48:02] Chris: us$8.0/pc would be accept by your client?(之前把价格压得太低,甚至是离谱了,我先得确认产品单价客户是否能够接受)
[16:48:35] Ted: are you reducing the plate charge?(客户很清晰的追问版费)
[16:48:54] Chris: I am trying to do so, but I need you to confirm the price of the unit product.(这个地方我并没有反应出客户对于版费的具体费用的执着原因,我是计划着给一个折扣,无论最后把折扣算在单价还是版费里都可以)
[16:49:38] Ted: i'll speak to them on $8.0 or $7.0, but something needs to go down, i cant go back to the with same price and nothing reduced
[16:51:28] Chris: Ted, I hope you can realize the situation in my side,the US$8.0 is the lowest cost we can offer, I would like to cherish this business opportunity with you, so I would like to see if we can offer better condition to you.
[16:52:28] Ted: so whats the plate charge(客户又一次追问道版费,我隐约感觉到客户给我铺了一个陷阱,开始注意版费和单价了)
[16:52:45] Chris: a moment please
[16:52:51] Ted: ok
[17:04:38] Chris: we can offer you US$200 as discount.(不管版费和单价,我只在最后的总价上给你一个折扣)
[17:04:45] Chris: on the total amount
[17:05:26] Chris: are you there?(沟通本来是你来我往,有一鼓作气的流畅感,但是当报完价格以后,客户顿了一下,我习惯性的问了一句are you there? 主要是一种想连续这次在线沟通的流畅)
[17:06:29]Ted: is the plate charge $800, now $600?(果然客户想把这200美金归到版费里)
[ 17:06:57] Chris: I meant on the total amount, we offer you US$200(我提前预知到陷阱,所以我告诉他200美金是在总价上的折扣)
[17:07:01] Chris: as discount
[ 17:08:30] Chris: (US$8.0*3360+US$800)-US$200(这个解释更清晰)
[17:08:37] Chris: this will make you more clearly
[17:08:44] Ted: no(又是一个NO)
[17:08:49]Ted: thanks
[17:09:16] Chris: why?(我也毫不客气的问why?)
[17:09:37] Ted: im not saying give a discount on the total
[17:09:48] Ted: we cant work like dat
[17:09:53] Ted: we need actual prices
[17:10:30] Chris: I told you the US$8.0/pc is the actual price of each unit and US$800 for plate charge(再一次强调之前的价格不能变)
[17:10:38] Ted: yes
[17:10:38] Chris: this price is the net price
[17:10:50] Ted: so are you removing $200 from plate charge
[17:10:58] Ted: that's what i want to hear
[17:11:54] Chris: No, as I explained US$800 is the net cost of the plate charge.(很明确的告诉版费不能变)
[17:12:05] Chris: I can only offer discount on the final total amount
[17:12:35] Chris: Of course, you can explain to your clients to remove US$200 from plate charge(当然你可以跟你的客户的说辞是:200美金是从版费里扣的)
[17:13:20] Ted: no, thanks
[17:13:28] Ted: we don't that
[17:13:31] Ted: thanks
[17:13:49] Chris: I do not know the reason


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发表于 2023-4-24 23:30:18 | 显示全部楼层

[17:14:02] Chris: finally we offer you US$200 as discount right(我学习了客户的谈判语气问他为什么)

[17:14:18] Ted: you tell us this cost would be taking out from the plate charge

[17:14:28] Ted: we want actual prices not discount

[17:14:39] Ted: $600 for plate charge

[17:14:58] Ted: you are the one who would do your calculation after order

[217:15:02] Ted: not us

[17:15:18] Chris: No, I am saying we would like to provide better condition to you.(我从一开始就没有打算给他在版费做退让的想法,因为版费一直报的都是net cost。)

[17:15:21] Ted: $600 that's what we are paying for plate charge?

[17:15:25] Chris: not only on the plate charge

[ 17:15:28] Ted: we don't want it that way

[ 17:15:41] Ted: we don't do our costings that way

[17:15:57] Ted: we want cost to be reduced either on plate charge

[ 17:16:06] Ted: or fob price

[17:16:16] Ted: that's how we get approval for ites

[17:16:29]Ted: items*

[17:16:39] Ted: not discount on total

[17:19:43] Chris: If you want us to clarify this charge, I would like to offer you US$7.94/pc on the toothbrush based on 3360 pcs and US$800 for the plate charge(客户要弄清楚这个价格构成,我必须要把这个200美金算到单价或者版费中间任意一个,我预感到如果我算到版费,客户肯定要压价格,所以我把这个200美金算到了单价里)

[17:21:21] Ted: so if we increase to quantity 4,320? what can you offer(果不其然,客户又开始谈数量试探我的价格)

[17:22:19] Chris: the price is still(价格不变,没有商量)

[17:22:25] Ted: ok

[17:22:41] Ted: i don't understand how your doing your calculation(客户不知道我的计算方式,这就对了。他如果知道了,我就中了圈套)

[17:24:10] Chris: the US$200 is the discount to show our sincerity

[17:24:34] Ted: k

[17:25:17] chris cai: I can not reduce to you because I do not know how to explain to my workers

[17:34:22] Ted: ok

[17:34:33] Chris: ok

[17:35:45] Chris: so I will be awaiting for your news?

[17:36:03] Ted: no we cant do it(客户又一次用了NO,我这回已经完全知道他的心态了)

[17:38:17] Chris: It's no problem, let's keep in touch, maybe in the future we can talk again about it.(没问题,保持联系)

[17:38:33] Ted: ok

[17:38:36] Chris: nice talking with you and wish you have a good day. (我很相信他会再找我的)

[18:08:59] Ted: you too

[18:09:21] Chris: thank you,

[16:07:25] Ted: whats the production lead time(果不其然)

[16:07:38] Chris: 25-30days

[16:07:52] Ted: is 20 days possible

[16:08:09] Chris: it depends(这一次需要牢牢的掌握主导权)


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